§ 94-229. Coleman Park professional office residential (CP-POR) development characteristics and sub-district requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Intent. The intent of this district is to provide opportunities to develop residential or commercial projects or a mix of both that complement the neighborhood commercial uses along the Tamarind corridor and the surrounding residential community. Infill projects are encouraged that promote opportunities for incubator businesses and affordable housing options.


    Building height. The height of buildings shall not exceed three stories or 40 feet. There shall be a 20-foot setback at the top of the second story.


    Building placement. Building placement shall be as follows:   


    Minimum building length. Buildings shall not exceed a length of 220 feet. For building facades that exceed a length of 75 feet, a planar break shall be provided at a maximum depth of three feet. For buildings that exceed 120 feet in length, the façade shall not exceed 60 feet without a planar break of three feet in depth.


    Building separation. There shall be a building separation of 15 feet.


    Maximum density and FAR: 14 dwelling units per acre and 0.75 FAR.


    Minimum setbacks for principal buildings.


    Front: 10 feet


    Corner: 15 feet


    Side : 10 feet


    Rear: 15 feet


    Parking. All parking shall be placed behind the building. Commercial uses shall provide at least one standard parking space per 1,000 square feet. One standard parking space shall be provided for each residential dwelling unit. On-street parking adjacent to the property may be counted toward the required parking.


    Architectural standards. Structures within this district shall adhere to the design standards established in section 94-222(f).


    Building uses. Uses permitted within this district are provided in the schedule of permitted uses under professional office residential (POR) zoning district in table 1-IX of article IX of this chapter.


    Minimum required open space and landscape areas for nonresidential uses:


    Minimum required open space: 40 percent.


    Minimum required landscape area: 15 percent.

(Ord. No. 4402-12, § 2, 9-18-2012)